Fr. Zbigniew Fraszczak

Fr. Zbigniew Fraszczak was born in Poland. In 1986 he joined the Society of the Divine Word and was ordained in 1993. After two years of pastoral work he was sent to Brazil, where he spent 10 years working with the native people and emigrants from Italy and Germany.
In 2005 he came to USA and joined the Western Province of SVD.
In 2006 he was appointed as an associate priest to the St. Joachim Parish in Hayward, CA and after two years he became the pastor for the same Community.
In 2011 he was transferred to St. Anthony’s Parish in San Bernardino, CA where he spent 5 years.
On July 1st, 2016 he was appointed as a Director of Saint John Paul II Polish Center in Yorba Linda, CA.
Director of Saint John Paul II Polish Center in Yorba Linda from 2016 to present.