Rites and Sacraments
When selecting godparents for your child, please remember that the godparents provide a witness of faith to the child. Godparents must be baptized and confirmed, practicing Catholics over the age of 16. If married, the godparents must be married according to the precepts of the church. Each child must have at least one Catholic godparent. They may also have a second godparent, or a Christian Witness, who is a member of another Christian church who has received valid baptism and is actively practicing Christian faith.
Please contact the Center Office at least two months prior to when you would like to schedule the baptism of your child.
First Communion
This preparation may be completed through enrollment in the School of Religious Education or at the Center in the Polish language. For further information about the preparation in Polish please contact the Center Office. Parents attend a series of meetings on the theology of the sacraments in general and specifically First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Parents are given practical suggestions on how to talk with their children about God, why it is necessary to attend Mass on Sunday, and how to share their faith with their children in age appropriate ways.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated every other year for adult Catholics (who have been Baptized and received First Communion) and for High School students. The high school program is a two-year process with the goal of fostering and developing the faith of the youth of our Center and to confirm them in the Spirit to be mature adults in the Catholic faith.
Contact the office for further information.
Couples who would like to celebrate their wedding in our Center should contact the Office for an appointment with one of the priests at least six months prior to marriage.
Sacrament of the Sick
In the event of a serious illness, an upcoming surgery, a change of condition for one who is elderly or infirm, or of a medical emergency, the Center Office should be contacted immediately so that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick may be celebrated.
Reflecting on death and funeral arrangements is a difficult task for many, but also a necessary one. As Christians and Catholics, we know that death is not our enemy, but our passage to the next life that God is preparing for us.
Please contact our office so we can assist you with scheduling a funeral Mass for your deceased loved one.